Joyce Sauer's Memorial Service was yesterday. She lived a life of 79 years of service to the Lord. I have only known her a few years, but she has had a huge impact on my life and I pray to finish the race like she did. There is a story in the Bible about workers who start the day and then others start working later in the day. They all receive the same pay. I know some people who think this is unfair. I feel blessed, because I did not start serving the Lord early in life - I was in my 30's when I really "got it". Fortunately, both Joyce and I will share an equal gift of salvation. She is in her new body now and I joyfully await the day when I will leave this earth.
The pictures are of Joyce with our dog Missy. She loved my visits.
On this particular visit, Abby was with me and she was also moved by Joyce's spirit. She had a genetic degenerative disease that caused a severe humback. Eventually, her lungs were crushed and she stopped breathing. In these pictures, she was on oxygen. She eventually had to give up driving and was confined to her home.
Each time I visited, we would pray for each other. The last time I saw her was 2 weeks before her death. She was in obvious pain and discomfort. Breathing, even with oxygen, was labored. She asked about Abby and loved hearing about her, her job and the new boyfriend. Joyce really loved people. She was no longer able to go to church to fold bulletins, but she was still able to smile. When I asked her, "How can I pray for you?" This was her answer, "That I can serve the Lord!" Wow! So many physical things to focus on and she was focused on serving Him! She is an excellent role model. It is too late to meet Joyce on this earth, but I pray that this story will touch your heart. As Jesus said, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:21