Sunday, December 14, 2008

A NEW Morning

Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning! Lamentations 3:22-23a

The sun is just starting to break through the double layer of clouds. I thought this morning's picture was the perfect one to address the next topic - change! Ouch - well, change that I want is wonderful. But - when the change is directed by the Holy Spirit, well, that is not always welcomed.

A dear friend shared these highlights from a book by Wayne Mack. I will admit that I have dwelt in the harbor of most of them at times. I like to think that I never harbor there again, but that would not be true. I do believe that I do not linger there very long or drop anchor. I pray that this list will bless and help all of you reading this!

These are attitudes/behaviors to AVOID!!

constant pessimism and negativism


critical, condemning, accusatory, judgmental attitude




vain regrets that stop me from living responsibly and productively in the present



jumping to hasty and unfounded conclusions

daydreaming (because it is usually self-focused)


wicked, immoral imaginations

thinking others are talking about me behind my back

assuming others are out to trap me

watching for the mistakes of others

being glad when others fail

not listening to both sides of the story

focusing on another's bad qualities

assuming others are wrong

exaggerating my problems or successes

exaggerating my faults and the mistakes of others

wishing I was someone else or someplace else

not seeing any sense in trying to change or improve

thinking how others don't appreciate me or how I've been abused or mistreated or how much better off others are

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sunset with Storm Clouds Moving in - 58 degrees tomorrow - brrr!

Sweet Evangelism

My passion is that more and more people come to know the saving grace of Jesus and know Him as Lord and Savior. I am not and never will be a "street preacher" or someone to badger someone about her beliefs. I merely prays for direction from the Holy Spirit and offers people a sealed snack bag, which has a cookie bar and a pamphlet about Jesus in it. I continue walking, after I thanks them for their hard work,or wishes them a Merry Christmas - something fitting for the situation.
I used to do this without others knowing. In Illinois, I made cupcakes and took them to businesses and dropped them off with New Testaments or Bibles - something to share Jesus with others. It would also include a note of thanks for the business' services. After we moved our west, I felt the Lord saying that I needed others praying for this effort and that I should share it with the prayer chain. So, I have and from that has come wonderful bounty. A few people have offered to help me distribute the pkgs or drive me and MANY have given me their old Bibles and Christian materials and CDs to pass out. Some have given us money to use for supplies. Some have baked for this effort. Many have prayed. Over 9,000 pkgs were distributed on 2008 and over 10,000 in 2009. Some people think it is easy for me to do this work and I assure them that I need prayer for courage. I will be doing this as long as the Lord directs. It is a pleasure to surprise people with a cookie and thank them for their service to the community or for their gardening skills - just to give. I trust the Lord to do His work with the scripture that is in the baggie. It is NOT about me - I am just the delivery person and He will do the rest. I trust that others will be directed to the path of each person and take the seed a little further along! So - that is much of my life. I am a happy walker and seed planter!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Mo-ghee-own Rim - our new word for the year

Remember having to memorize states and what they produced in grade school? Well, now that I am in this wonderful state, we really enjoy actually seeing the copper, silver or gold mines. These are copper mines we found between Winkelman and Globe on routes 177 and 60.

This pic actually belongs below with the petrified forest pics. I tried to insert it there, but it liked this spot best. Anyway, Jim noticed the bark-like texture. It is rare. Most bark and limbs were torn off as the logs moved along the river before they were petrified.
The Salt River Canyon is absolutely beautiful. It is on rt 77/60 between Globe and Show Low. there were hikes available there, but we were enroute with no time to spare. Another time, perhaps, we can schedule a hike along the river.

Petrified Forest
These trees were under water in a swamp for years. Minerals entered the cells, so the trees turned into rock. Very simple explanation of this beauty! The natives actually build a home out of these rocks!

Ancient writing on this rock
If you think the painted desert is anything like these following pictures, you are wrong! I am disappointed in how the pictures turned out - but maybe the Lord does not want me to have a picture of this favorite part of His world. Maybe He just wants me to long to go back again and agina?!? You can see faint color - but it is really breathtaking. This was a delayed trip for my __th birthday. Well worth the wait!

The Painted Desert Inn was part of the Fred Harvey Restaurant Chain. For the younger friends, consider researching out his history and how he helped with travel out west! I included the menu - 75 cents for a lunch! The walls were expertly painted - ceiling is beautiful and it overlooks the painted desert. It is no longer a working restaurant, but a part of the National Park system. Certainly worth a visit.

These pictures are from the actual rim, which runs about 200 miles long. Our hotel room has information on this hike and we are so grateful! If we had been on the main road, we would have only had a brief sight of this scene. It is a very beautiful blue ridge! I asked Abby to stand under the mistletoe in the tree. She graciously complied with my whimsy! Jim was fascinated with the complexity of a pine tree. The last picture shows rocks intertwined in the root system of a fallen tree with the blue ridge in the background. Yes - that place was a treat! We wanted to take the road further, but it turned into gravel - no way in our Scion!

Tonto Natural Bridge State Park is a very special treat. Who would know that the Lord placed a natural bridge with running water and moss in AZ?!? We arrived after an earlier hike, so we chose to skip the hike to the area below the bridge. We would like to plan for that next time. It was amazing scenery and a lovely place for our picnic lunch. The Park Ranger asked for prayer for his retirement hope - he seemed really worried.

We really enjoyed reading this sign. It shows grateful termites eating away in a forest. They are grateful for EnvironMENTALists and their lawyers! We were in hunting country - but, all of AZ is that way.
Not for the the faint-hearted: It was Elk season, so we saw a guy with his refrigerator truck. He unloads the elk and then skins them and does a weigh and then puts it in the truck for more porcessing at the main plant.
This is TRUE. On Rte 260 east of Payson, there is a light to warn you about crossing Elk. We stopped there and explored the area. Found guts, lots of empty booze bottles and a smelly elk carcus. So, we're thinking the lazy hunters just wait right there and shoot them as they cross!

A Powerful Role Model - Well done, good and faithful servant!

Joyce Sauer's Memorial Service was yesterday. She lived a life of 79 years of service to the Lord. I have only known her a few years, but she has had a huge impact on my life and I pray to finish the race like she did. There is a story in the Bible about workers who start the day and then others start working later in the day. They all receive the same pay. I know some people who think this is unfair. I feel blessed, because I did not start serving the Lord early in life - I was in my 30's when I really "got it". Fortunately, both Joyce and I will share an equal gift of salvation. She is in her new body now and I joyfully await the day when I will leave this earth.
The pictures are of Joyce with our dog Missy. She loved my visits.
On this particular visit, Abby was with me and she was also moved by Joyce's spirit. She had a genetic degenerative disease that caused a severe humback. Eventually, her lungs were crushed and she stopped breathing. In these pictures, she was on oxygen. She eventually had to give up driving and was confined to her home.
Each time I visited, we would pray for each other. The last time I saw her was 2 weeks before her death. She was in obvious pain and discomfort. Breathing, even with oxygen, was labored. She asked about Abby and loved hearing about her, her job and the new boyfriend. Joyce really loved people. She was no longer able to go to church to fold bulletins, but she was still able to smile. When I asked her, "How can I pray for you?" This was her answer, "That I can serve the Lord!" Wow! So many physical things to focus on and she was focused on serving Him! She is an excellent role model. It is too late to meet Joyce on this earth, but I pray that this story will touch your heart. As Jesus said, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:21