Friday, November 28, 2008

Pearce, AZ Festival

What an interesting day! Lots of storm clouds to enjoy and wonderful stories from our tour guides Jim and Evelyn. Pearce was a lovely festival. However, the cold wind surprised all of us. Enjoy a few of our pictures and plan on going to the festival some year!

Pearce store Bost family - 8 kids - Boy just won state mandolin championship

1800's Mercantile - for sale, if you are interested!

Good ol boys - Pearce style Huge hands!
Guy who was very proud of his skunk hat

Bad hair day - or does this guy work at this mess?

Texas Canyon

We are still smiling, even though Dairy Queen ran out of ice cream! Abby,Jim and Evelyn paid $1 to see "The Thing" at the Dairy Queen stop. They think it is an Asian mummy - but nothing in the exhibit actually says what "The Thing" is. There are billboards starting in New Mexico to advertise this place.

Abby, Sue, Evelyn, Jim, Jim, Joe, Marianne