Here's an after picture of us after the 7+ mile hike. It was a beautiful day in the 60's. We probably won't have another 60 day until November. The wind of the last few days had subsided for most of the day and we really enjoyed God's beautiful creation.
Notice the hole in the rock.
Yes, it is difficult to cross the moss covered rocks in the stream.
We have decided to label this hike as advanced or difficult. There are parts of actual rock climbing. However, we have found one natural staircase down and around a big boulder. On the way back we could see that the path we took was blocked by some human-placed rocks. Hope we remember that one the next time we tackle this hike.
Here is a cool story! We three were resting as we waited for Jim O to climb his version of the "Super Trail", which was far more adventurous than our steep climb. Another hiker walked right up to Evelyn and said he'd been looking for her! He handed her a button he'd found on the trail. She didn't even know she'd lost a button. It is a good example of how God answers prayers even before we know the need!!
We crossed the creek 7 times on the way to the falls. Above are some pics of the falls area.
So how old were you when you learned to read signs and follow directions? Hmmm! Our leader Jim O led us up what he later called the "Super Trail". The sign at the top of the cliff gave us a clue as to why it was not the designated route. On the way out of the canyon, we found the sign he bypassed. Check out the twinkle in his eye as he points to his "Super Trail"!!