Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nature Trail Madera Canyon

Today the men are at a Men's retreat at church, so we ladies decided to hike. We went to the top of the nature trail at Madera Canyon and walked downhill. It was beautiful. Our hiking group had hiked uphill once from the very bottom and it was nice, but going downhill helped us see even more beauty! The stream was running and that was a thrill to hear the water. We also saw 3 male turkeys strutting around. I just looked it up on the Internet and their mating season is supposed to be March and April. Well, these boys are starting early! It was funny to see - their feathers up and pretty and them just marching around in a group. Apparently, they are more successful when grouped like that. Unfortunately,my camera's batteries died by then and my spare batteries were in Jim's hiking gear. Ya - poor excuse, but we usually hike together. Anyway, enjoy the pictures. This will probably be the destination for our April 10th hike. We ladies were blessed by the time together and the experience. We did stop hiking at Madera Picnic grove and Karen hitched a ride back to the car. It was a wonderful and blessed day!

We were surprised to have to cross over water! Was fun and lovely to listen to and enjoy.

These next 2 pictures show the snow covered Catalinas in the distance and part of our Green Valley.

Looks like some love birds were drawing in the sand! Then, God drawing in a tree and more beautiful rock formations!

Beautiful granite boulders, sycamore, various oak and alligator juniper trees line the creek.

Yes, we got our boots wet as we crossed over!

Check out this big tree with a hole you can see through!