Sunday, October 5, 2008


Since I have learned how to publish videos, I will show you two from our little Missy. She is no longer with us, but is on 5 acres with a grandma and her family. We received a complaint and were in trouble with animal control. So, her barking little self is on 5 acres and there's noone to care if she barks her head off. Anyway, here is some footage on her. She did love her ball! By the way, we do now have flooring and walls installed!

Rex Allen Days October 10/3 to 10/5/2008

Welcome to Willcox, Az! For whatever reason, Arizonans seem to want to letter their mountains. So - check out "W" Mountain! Yes, it ia hard to see, because we are miles away, but there is a very large W in white rocks. The bridge pic from the west shows whooping cranes, which migrate here each winter. The special event is called Wings over Willcox. The pic from the east shows the train, which helped establish this town.

These pics are from the Willcox Depot, which has been restored. Geronimo is in the pic with many other Apaches. They had been arrested. It is a sad, but true, part of our history.

After a wonderful day of concerts in the courtyard between the Rex Allen Museum and Theater, we headed to our hotel in Benson. Look at how the Lord blessed us! We weren't sure that any of the pics would come out, because we were driving at the time, but check these out!!!

Willcox is a rural small town. Rex Allen was born there and this weekend is a MAJOR money making event. There is a museum there and they do get some tourism from that. Marty Robbins' Museum has also moved there. The pic of these 2 sheriff -pretend ones - is typical of many of thr residents. They choose to wear such outfits around town and they wear real guns - legal in AZ. I tried to joke with the lady pictured and she was much too serious to chuckle with me. That is her identity.

Scotty Fitch and the Silver Screen Ranch Hands - excellent band

Johnny Bencomo with his 18 string guitar

This is from a Q and A session. We have REx, Charlie Rich Jr, Pedro Jr, Bix ? (high school friend who is now a lawyer in LA - excellent guitar player), son Logan Allen.

Here are Rex and his twin sons Logan and Cody, 20 yr olds with A avg in college.

Here are Pedro and Rex - their dads worked together and they are close friends.

I just added 2 video snips from the weekend. The blog has decided to place them at the end of this for whatever reason. One is from the concert. Pedro is actually playing frying pans. The roping guy used to work as a cowboy and then was in the circus for years. He comes down to the parade to perform each year. In this clip, he is using a rope with coke cans strung up. 10/5/8 morning sunrise in Benson

The road up to Coronado National Monument. This National Park is south of Sierra Vista and on the border of Mexico. Poor Coronado ended up falling off a horse, having a concussion and dying in obscurity 10 years later. The National Park speaks of his courage. He came from Spain to conquer the land for the King of Spain AND to spread the message of Jesus Christ. In the end, he did both - but not during his lifetime. He explored and others came later to settle in and share Jesus with others.

This tree shows fire damage.

Ok, imagine standing on the (almost) top of the world and looking around in a circle. These pics show what we saw at the top of this mountain. I think it was 6800 ft high - a nice hike and so worth it!

Here we are at the end of a blessed journey. We are looking toward home toward our Santa Rita Mountains. What a wonderful place to live! Actually, we had an even bigger thrill after we left this site. When we asked our waitress for a prayer request, her eyes welled up with tears. She had a cousin who susvived a suicide attempt and was facing face reconstruction, her girl friend has just died and her finances were in a mess and she was already working 2 jobs. We prayed right awya and gave her a Bible and a tract. She returned and asked for another tract. We talked more and she accepted 2 New Testaments and tracts for other friends. She is a believer and her name is Coco.