Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Importance of a Captured Israelite Girl OR How to act when things don't go my way!

What a blessing to find newness in the Word of God! Last Sunday our minister mentioned 2 KI 5 about the healing of Naaman the leper. I had read it before, but I had never seen that the young girl in the story had been captured from Israel. She was in Aram, as a slave to Naaman's wife. Could we be right in thinking that things weren't going her way? Yet, she apparently heard that Naaman had leprosy. She believed the prophet Elisha could help the man who held her captive and shared that with her mistress! What does that say about her heart - about her forgiveness of him? Naaman was healed and we hear nothing of that little girl. It struck me deeply, because there is unfairness in life - even for believers, who are trying to hear from God and wanting to obey Him.

Then on Thursday, the Lord suggested I read Luke 4 during my quiet time. I thought "temptation chapter - I've read it before,but OK". Well, it does talk about the temptation of Jesus, but it also includes Jesus' words in the synagogue. Verse 27 = And there were many in Israel with leprosy in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed - only Naaman the Syrian.

Ok - Jesus could have spoken about so many situations in the Bible to get His point across, but He chose the Naaman story. It was an important point in history and of great significance to those to whom He was speaking. What if that little girl had not mentioned Elisha? How do I react in unfair situations? Can I always be faithful and forgiving to honor Him? This I do pray.