It has been a real blessing to help facilitate a Bible study in a home group. We absolutely love those in our group. We presently meet at Mable Bigelow's home and will soon move to Geri Gabriel's home, when she returns from Wisconsin. Other group members are Evelyn Olson, Jim and Carolyn Holmen, and Jerry and Sherral Clark. Our present study is of the whole NT and will conclude after Easter. It is exciting to see how the same section of scripture speak to us. We are able to share openly and ask questions and pray for and with each other. It i a wonderful hour each week! Jim leads the discussion and I recruit people for opening and closing prayer,give updates on the missionaries are pray for and organize social events for us. It is a nice team opportunity!
Last Sunday, most of us went to Madera Canyon for a picnic and hike. Jim Olson was also able to join us. He can't be a part of the study, because he works on Mondays. Here are some pictures of our hike.
Last Sunday, most of us went to Madera Canyon for a picnic and hike. Jim Olson was also able to join us. He can't be a part of the study, because he works on Mondays. Here are some pictures of our hike.